Two Line Tuesday

Michael Noonan wants to give all children an iPad each as part of his election manifesto. Noonan is  clearly either trying not to get re-elected or he’s trying to annoy Microsoft, Google and all the other companies who make tablets.

Swapping Books for iPads?

The Irish Independent reported recently  that an anonymous donor had given a school in Fermoy, Co . Cork, a load of money to buy iPads for all the pupils and staff. The Independent states that it will be to replace textbooks and homework. The school’s principal, James O’Donoghue, hailed it as “a landmark day for Irish primary … Read more

Sleeping with the Multinationals

I was fairly shocked when I was made aware of this press release from the Department of Education.  Twenty graduates of technology or teacher training college courses are to get work placement positions in Microsoft Ireland to help develop digital material for the school curriculum as part of a deal signed by the Minister for … Read more

€150m for Smart Schools isn’t smart at all

I feel that I should reiterate that I have deep concerns about the €150m investment in “Smart Schools”, which I wrote about a couple of months ago (, as it’s just been published this week. My main problem is with the impression that our ICT infrastructure in our schools is even adequate.  There appears to … Read more