Turn your school around

This review is the last of a four part “Jenny Mosely” book month that Anseo were promoting. This book is suitable for principals in particular as it focuses right in on the whole school program for “Quality Circle Time” This book, which is very well established, gives you a clear idea of what the Quality … Read more

Turn your school around

This review is the last of a four part “Jenny Mosely” book month that Anseo were promoting. This book is suitable for principals in particular as it focuses right in on the whole school program for “Quality Circle Time” This book, which is very well established, gives you a clear idea of what the Quality … Read more

Group work and noise

Group work and active learning, buzzwords and they will always be buzzwords and so they should be! Group work has an integral part to play in the Irish classroom. It is one of the key methodologies of each Curriculum subject but how do we do it?

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A new start to the year for me!

Happy New Year!
Yes, I know we are well into the New Year but it is never too late!

I started my new job last week, a new school, a new class and a new position! Started as a principal teacher of a 4 teacher school in Athy. Is it quite crazy to say that I feel settled in after 3 days? So much happened last week! I had to settle my own class in, 3rd and 4th Class.I introduced them to the Golden Time system and they are well impressed!I also teach Irish to the 5th and 6th class there while another teacher takes my class for maths..I miss maths, I never loved it as a child and struggled with it all the way but I think I am a really good Maths teacher! Is there a link there?

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Me…a scrooge?

Hi there!
Am so excited re the holidays which are fast approaching! With one week to go, I know the class are going to be going slightly more mental than usual! Before every celebration or big event, i.e. Halloween, Easter, Christmas or Bank Holdiays, certain members of my class will start to lose the plot, get overexcited and become hyperactive little aliens.

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