Mapping and atlas skills

Mapping and Atlas skills are 3 photocopiable resources from Prim-Ed. They are made up of 3 levels- lower, middle and upper. Lower is 1st and 2nd, middle is 3rd and 4th and Upper level is 5th and 6th Class. They focus in on specific mapping skills that are needed in the classroom and curriculum. They … Read more

Mapping and atlas skills

Mapping and Atlas skills are 3 photocopiable resources from Prim-Ed. They are made up of 3 levels- lower, middle and upper. Lower is 1st and 2nd, middle is 3rd and 4th and Upper level is 5th and 6th Class. They focus in on specific mapping skills that are needed in the classroom and curriculum. They … Read more

Mapping and atlas skills

Mapping and Atlas skills are 3 photocopiable resources from Prim-Ed. They are made up of 3 levels- lower, middle and upper. Lower is 1st and 2nd, middle is 3rd and 4th and Upper level is 5th and 6th Class. They focus in on specific mapping skills that are needed in the classroom and curriculum. They … Read more

Mapping and atlas skills

Mapping and Atlas skills are 3 photocopiable resources from Prim-Ed. They are made up of 3 levels- lower, middle and upper. Lower is 1st and 2nd, middle is 3rd and 4th and Upper level is 5th and 6th Class. They focus in on specific mapping skills that are needed in the classroom and curriculum. They … Read more

Know Your… (Edware)

On March 31st, I reviewed “Know Your Ireland”.  It received our accolade, “Top of the Class” as it’s a brilliant piece of software.  However, there are three other titles in the series and in order not to be repetitive, I’m reviewing all three in the one article.  The programs are: Know Your Europe, Know Your … Read more

Know Your Ireland

Edware have been around for as long as I’ve been in teaching, when the author was still a student in college and the first “Know Your Ireland” was out and I met him at the Education Show that used to be in the RDS.  At the time, I was involved in another software project, Who Took … Read more