How to make denominational schools more inclusive

Around 96% of Irish primary schools are under the patronage of a religious body, with around 92-93% of schools under the the Catholic Church. This means that anyone who does not identify themselves as Catholic has very little chance of getting into a school that fully respects their religious identity. There is little appetite for … Read more

Paying us to POD

According to the INTO website and Voice for Teachers Facebook page, the DES announced today that in response to the INTO’s demand for additional resources to be provided to support the implementation of POD a once off per capita payment of €1.50 per pupil will be paid to all schools before Christmas. There will be … Read more

One Stop Shop for Christmas Resources

As most teachers know Seomra Ranga is the very best one stop shop for downloadable teacher resources in Ireland.  Because of the success of the web site, Damien Quinn has decided to move his Christmas resources to a separate web site, Nollaig Shona.  Here you’ll find tonnes of Christmas resources from lined paper to quizzes … Read more

Me…a scrooge?

Hi there!
Am so excited re the holidays which are fast approaching! With one week to go, I know the class are going to be going slightly more mental than usual! Before every celebration or big event, i.e. Halloween, Easter, Christmas or Bank Holdiays, certain members of my class will start to lose the plot, get overexcited and become hyperactive little aliens.

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