Irish EduBlog Award Finalists

The EduBlog Awards are back and we’re delighted that has been shortlisted for the final in the Best ed tech / resource sharing blog category. However, is not the only Irish finalist, we are well represented this year with xxx blogs in the running in different categories. I’m sure all these blogs would appreciate you giving them a vote so here are all the Irish finalists. (If we haven’t listed your blog, really sorry, we must have missed you! Please let us know and we’ll add you to the list.)

Seomra Ranga has been nominated in 3 categories

Best individual blog

Best group blog

Best class blog


Best ed tech / resource sharing blog

We'd love your vote!
We’d love your vote!

Best teacher blog

Most influential blog post of the year

Best individual tweeter

Best twitter hashtag or twitter chat

#edchatie and @fboss are represented by Ireland
#edchatie and @fboss are our Irish representatives

Best educational use of media (audio, video, podcast, etc.)

Best educational use of a social network

Lifetime achievement

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