Well, it is official..I.am.shocked. and in denial! I cannot believe the summer hols are over and we are back and I am somehow convincing my mind that I have done a week and I can go back to the summer holidays now for another week. How long does it take for you to adjust after the holidays?
To all the teachers out there who are taking new classes for the first time, hope it went really well. If you have not implemented the Golden Time system, then make yourself do it next week! Not just Golden Time or not just the Golden Rules but the whole system! Make your classroom into a Golden, Jenny Mosely type of place!
Would love to hear peoples ideas on how they manage behaviour and reward goodness in their own classrooms!
Enjoy the month of Jenny Mosely rewards and check out her website at www.circletime.co.uk

Podcast Show Notes: Access Undone Ep 1
If you were to walk into any primary school and compared it to the classroom you might have sat in only a generation ago, apart