EduBlogs is offering free blogs at your own domain

Now there’s no excuse not to run your own school blog! is a web site that offers all educational institutions, teachers and pupils to run their very own web blog. Before today, if you used this service, you could choose an address: However, now you can pick a nice domain name for $25, for example and they set everything else up for you.
Remember the great thing about blogs is that you can update your web site from anywhere with an Internet connection and you don’t need to have any technical knowledge at all! So far today, I’ve updated this web site in three different buildings – my house, a hotel and at a school!
I’d recommend you set a free eduBlogs account up straight away even if it’s just to try it out to see how super easy it is. In 30 minutes max, you’ll have a fully operating web site with everything you need. Try it out here:

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