Two Line Tuesday

The government have finally published its circular on the new language curriculum, which will be starting this year. There doesn’t seem to be a huge amount of change and Jan O’Sullivan’s attempts to hype it up as a big deal are a little bit desperate.

Two Line Tuesday

All those minutes I wasted when subtracting any number from 1,000,000 in 6th class, when instead of renaming, I could have simply changed the million to 999,999 and subtracted from this instead then added one to my answer. Maybe if borrow and payback had been explained better, it might have survived.

Two Line Tuesday

The NCCA have just come out with plans to create a brand spanking new curriculum for ethical education, which they want all schools to teach no matter what their patronage. Did no one tell them Educate Together have been running one that’s pretty much exactly the same for almost 20 years?

Two Line Tuesday

Michael Noonan wants to give all children an iPad each as part of his election manifesto. Noonan is  clearly either trying not to get re-elected or he’s trying to annoy Microsoft, Google and all the other companies who make tablets.

Two Line Tuesday

I got some great tips from teachers about admin principals visiting classes. Suggestions including reading a story to a class, try out team teaching, or simply pop in for a chat!

Two Line Tuesday

Welcome back to school to the rest of the teachers who have stuck to the mantra of not coming back until September. Enjoy the next 182 days!

Two Line Tuesday

It’s back to school time for many pupils and we wish you all the best for the upcoming school year. We are also thinking of the children who cannot access a school place this year due being unbaptised and hope that our supposedly secular republic makes sure that they start taking responsibility for all of its citizens soon.

Two Line Tuesday: Shock good news in media about primary education

There’s rarely any good news stories about primary education in Ireland, less so from the Irish Independent, so nice to see we’re in the news for the right reasons. While I’m not particularly happy with how they’re measuring the success, I’m happy to take the good news in the media!