Guest Post: Not Every Cloud…

This guest post has been written by Simon Sharkey from the company Bryan S. Ryan, a specialist in print and business technology. The company recently exhibited at the IPPN conference and spoke with us about cloud technology. This is their take on cloud computing from a business perspective. It certainly makes interesting reading and is … Read more

Guest Article: Neil Murphy (

Eight years ago, for my sins, I became treasurer of The Board of Management of our local school. I realised very quickly that keeping and updating school accounts took up far too much time and energy. Coming from an I.T background, I knew there had to be an easier way to do what is essentially … Read more

Guest author:Surviving and Thriving as a School Leader by Sean Ruth

Surviving and Thriving as a Leader by Seán Ruth School leadership is a particularly demanding role. It works particularly well when approached as a collaborative, listening process. However, no matter how competent and effective any leader may be, it is also the case that leadership roles tend to attract some potentially very destructive reactions from those … Read more

Guest Post: Ceol Ireland

Thanks to Carmel Dunne and Ali Giusti for their guest article about Ceol, a music programme for primary schools.  Ceol has been around since 1998 in classrooms and is widely considered to be the best music programme on the market.  In this article, the concept of Ceol is explained. More than any other subject, music … Read more

Guest Article:Conor Galvin:Re-imagined spaces for teaching & learning in these times

This article was edited especially for It encapsulates the words Conor imparted at the recent Second-Level Re-imaging learning conference. Conor Galvin is a  Lecturer and Researcher at UCD College of Human Sciences where he works on various education,  development practice, ICT ,and research training programmes. He speaks regularly at conferences and events (nationally and initernationally) on education … Read more

Guest article: Luke Curley (EdWare)

EdWare Hi everyone. Rozz and Simon were kind enough to ask me to write a short guest article for, so here goes. My name is Luke Curley, my background is in software development and I am a graduate from the University of Limerick with a BSc. in Computer Science. So how did I get … Read more

Guest Article: Adrian Kwizera (REAAD)

REAAD Limited, which stands for Rural Education for the Advancement of African Development, is a registered Irish Charity (CHY 19542) supported by the Irish Government and by charitable donations. Our goal is to invest in Africa’s future as we recognize the value Education adds to the continent’s development process.  REAAD is a volunteer organization dedicated to using … Read more