Electronic Absence Note

When a child is absent from school, parents are required to write a note to the teacher explaining the reason for the absence. The National Education Welfare Board (NEWB) are informed when a child misses a certain number of days of school. When a teacher fills out the information for a child’s absences, he/she must include the reasons. This allows the NEWB to understand why a child is absent in they have to investigate. For example, a child’s religion may prevent them attending school on a certain number of days.

A teacher in my school suggested that we could develop an online form that parents could fill in if their child was absent.

This simple, but ingenious idea, has resulted in the following link to appear on the home page of our school web site.

Parents can now simply click on the link and they are presented with a simple web form to let us know their child isn’t attending school and why.

There’s plenty of ways to create this for your school’s web site. We used Google forms for our school but any form building tool will work equally well.

Last Update: August 17, 2017  

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