Know Your… (Edware)

On March 31st, I reviewed “Know Your Ireland”.  It receivedtopoftheclass our accolade, “Top of the Class” as it’s a brilliant piece of software.  However, there are three other titles in the series and in order not to be repetitive, I’m reviewing all three in the one article.  The programs are: Know Your Europe, Know Your World and Know Your USA.   Edware have taken a concept (in Know Your Ireland) and have used it in all three other programs.  When you have an excellent idea, why not adapt it and expand it into different areas?

Where Know Your Ireland helped children learn all about the geography of Ireland, Know your Europe helps with European Geography; Know Your World with World Geography and Know Your USA with American Geography.  I was delighted to hear that Know Your USA (as well as Know your Ireland) has been very successful in the USA and was recently sold out on Amazon’s web site!  (It’s back in stock by the way!)

I won’t go through what the programs do as they do exactly the same things as Know your Ireland but just to note that the photography is equally impressive in all programs.  I also like the different PDFs that come with each program so that teachers can consolidate what has been learned on the computer.

When I reviewed Know Your Ireland, I said:

“Know Your Ireland” is in my opinion the definitive solution for any teacher teaching Geography classes. There is nothing else out there that looks better, works better or teaches better. There are a number of other solutions out there but I think this is the very best.

I would echo these sentiments in all three other products.  Another worthy “Top of the Class” award.

Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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