Review: Jenny Mosley’s Golden Rules

Golden Rules Animal Story books(Positive Press:Jenny Mosley GR series)

The Golden Rules have been part of many classrooms all over Ireland. Jenny Mosley has developed resource after resource to help promote positive behaviour and self esteem in primary level children. I’m going to be reviewing a number of Positive Press’s products on We have always been huge fans of Jenny and her work in circle and golden time and are delighted to be reviewing them. We will always give an honest opinion, if we love something, we really do! The best review gets the “Anseo Top of the Class” award, so keep watching for it!

The first one is a series of  6 A5 picture books. They are glossy and colourful and each one focusses on a different golden rule using talking animals. The stories are written at a level suitable for a really good Junior Infant level, Senior Infants, 1st and even 2nd Class. Because there is a lot of text and more challenging vocablualry, each page’s vocab could be pre taught to a younger class. I still think the Junior Infants would enjoy as the pictures and story line reel them right in. They would be a great addition to any class library and if your class are following the Golden Rules, these will be another positive reinforcer for them!

Relevance to curriculum aims 5/5: These books can help utilise that bridge between english and social, personal and health education. You can great mileage out of these books, using thematic planning and a language experience approach-shared reading and writing.
Teacher usability: 4/5 Extremely usable as in the teacher can instantly access them without any pre-teaching. The books also come in a Big Book size so these A5 could be used whole or individual class level. These smaller books could also be placed on a visualiser for whole class interaction with the pictures and language.
Value for money: 3/5 Coming in at €41 for 6 books, the price is okay but you would probably have to buy the Big Books too so it could cost you a bit of your precious teacher resource money, if you get any!
Extras:0/5 There are extras but you will have to purchase them, all sorts of resources like stickers, posters, games, puppets etc are available on Jenny’s shop at However, Jenny does provide many free resources and lesson plans on the Circle time website.

This review was written by Rozz Lewis, you can contact her at [email protected]


Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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