Interactive Whiteboard Review-May/June 2009 is proud to unleash its second review of Interactive Whiteboards in Ireland. Since the last review, there has been a number of new Interactive Whiteboards that have come into the market. The review is posted in PDF format and now contains two reviews: the first is based on 5 criteria, which includes software and value for money; the second is based simply on the board itself and the service you get from the company.

This month saw a couple of big changes to the review. Firstly, there’s a new leader in the market: Traceboard have reduced their prices. This leapfrogs them all the way to the top of the tree for value for money. Their new price edges them ahead from last time’s leader, TouchIT, which is now in second place.

A new face to the review has claimed 3rd place as the cheapest Interactive Whiteboard that is height-adjustable. For some unfathomable reason, the company director doesn’t think this is its main selling point – even so, I’ve put it in third place – and using Promethean software, it is the third best IWB overall.

Teamboard is a whiteboard that I haven’t got an exact price for so the price I’ve put down may be wrong. If anyone from Sight and Sound, the company who sells them, can put me straight, it may find itself higher (or lower) on the scale next time. It looks like a very impressive board indeed.

Hitachi have also reduced their prices and added some new options so they are featured in the top half of the review. They still make the best quality IWB and this part of the review can be found at the end of the document.

Promethean’s €2,100 option comes in at 14th place and if you are a fan of Promethean, this is an excellent option, though the board is a little smaller than the ones you’ll see at exhibitions. For an extra €400, you can get the 78″ one.

Down the bottom are the over-expensive Cleverboard and 3M boards. If they reduced their prices by a lot, they would be much higher up the list because the boards themselves are very good.

Page 5 and 6 of the PDF show the IWBs by quality so Hitachi, again, wins out. Sadly, the wired portable IWBs are at the bottom – they just aren’t really an option anymore.

Download the Review now.

Last Update: August 22, 2017  

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2 thoughts on “Interactive Whiteboard Review-May/June 2009”

  1. Correction From Hitachi

    System Option # 1 @ €4,267 inc VAT (+ PC sum for Inspire s/w) Item 7 in your review

    Hitachi FX-Duo-77 + Hitachi EDA-101 ultra short-throw projector + wall-bracket + cable-management + audio + Cambridge-Hitachi primary resources

    System Option # 2 @ €3,245 inc VAT (+ PC sum for Inspire s/w) Item 9 in your review

    Hitachi FX-Duo-77 + Toshiba XP1 ceiling mounted projector + ceiling bracket + cable-management + audio + Cambridge-Hitachi primary resources

    System Option # 3 @ €3,675 inc VAT (+ PC sume for Inspire s/w) Item 6 in your review based on the FX series IWB (input via electronic pen only) whereas you’ve indicated it’s the FX-Duo series.

    Hitachi FX-77 + Toshiba EX-21 short-throw projector + wall-bracket + audio + AV cables (directly wired to source equipment) + Cambridge-Hitachi primary resources

    System Option # 4 @ €2,800 inc VAT (+ PC sum for Inspire s/w) Item 8 in your review based on the FX series IWB (input via electronic pen only) whereas you’ve indicated it’s the FX-Duo series. Also the cost includes installation, training & support whereas you’ve indicated that this is a supply only price.

    Hitachi FX-77 + Toshiba XP1 projector + ceiling-bracket + audio + AV cables (directly wired to source equipment) + Cambridge-Hitachi primary resources

  2. IPBOARD JL-9000DN-77 and JL-9000DN-85 dual pen interactive whiteboard allow users to operate with 2 pens simultaneously from anywhere on the board.
    IPTablet is the combination of tablet and the audience voting system. It makes the interactive easily in classroom, conference room and lot of area.
    IPBoard serial products are innovation solution in interactive education. IPBoard Serial products have competitive in price, quality. They are cutting edge products.


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