048. Abolish the Supplementary Panel

It’s very likely that this post will be liked by most principals and hated by teachers on temporary contracts and nobody else in the middle will care too much. The Supplementary Panel is a good idea in theory. If you work enough time in a school (or schools) whether that’s subbing or temporary positions, you gradually build up enough days to be entitled to a permanent job via a supplementary panel.

This is great for teachers who find it next to impossible to get a permanent position. The trick, I guess, is to end up in the same panel district where you want to end up. For example, if I really want to work near home on a permanent basis, I can get a couple of temporary positions anywhere in Ireland then sub near my home for the remaining days et voila!

The problem for principals, who are doing the hiring, is often there’s a very good reason why some teachers aren’t getting the permanent jobs out there. While most teachers are, at least, fine, there are some people out there who got through the system and really shouldn’t have.

If these people simply sub until they get up enough time for the supplementary panel, they end up foisted on some unlucky school. I have often heard of panels not clearing because of one teacher on it that nobody wants. Everyone keeps their head down until someone falters.

I don’t think the advantages of the supplementary panel outweigh the disadvantages and it needs to be scrapped or modified. In terms of modification, I think, a minimum number of days in one school should only count towards a panel, perhaps the length of a maternity leave or maybe a term? 

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