Why the INTO need to support Marriage Equality

The campaign for marriage equality in May seems to be overwhelmingly supported by teachers in Ireland but the INTO (Irish National Teachers’ Organisation) have not made a stance. Granted, there is a sub-group of the INTO (the INTO LGBT group) who are flying the flag for the campaign but I don’t believe that this is giving enough of the right message.

The official line from the INTO is that they do not comment on issues that are going to referendum and point out to the last children’s referendum where some people thought they should have campaigned. I think this is different. The INTO do not represent children; they represent teachers.

Right now, there are a number of their members who are being discriminated against based on their sexuality. As the INTO is supposed to support equality for all teachers, I believe it is fundamental that they do come out to support the campaign. By leaving it to a sub-group, it could be seen to be only tolerant or tokenistically supportive. I believe the INTO are missing out on a very powerful opportunity to demonstrate that they truly believe in equality for all.

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