What happened in the budget?

According to the INTO’s web site, the government have made the following cuts.  The INTO have christened it: “The dirty dozen.”  Fianna Gael decided that there were 32 cuts to education in the budget.  Next Wednesday, during mid-term break, a big rally protest will be held outside the Dáil.  I shall be there, hopefully with a banner in hand!  Read on to see “The Dirty Dozen Education Cuts”
Last week the government decided to:

  1. Increase class sizes in primary schools
  2. Abolish substitute cover for teachers
  3. Increase school transport charges
  4. Axe English language teachers
  5. Reduce funding to special needs children
  6. Slash Traveller education funding
  7. Cut teacher numbers by at least 1,000
  8. Eliminate the free book scheme
  9. Stop books for school libraries
  10. Halt the Education for Persons with Special Needs Act
  11. Abandon funding for school computers
  12. Cut funding for primary school building by 5%

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