This review is the last of a four part “Jenny Mosely” book month that Anseo were promoting.
This book is suitable for principals in particular as it focuses right in on the whole school program for “Quality Circle Time”
This book, which is very well established, gives you a clear idea of what the Quality Circle Time approach is and what it can do for your school. It gives guidelines for the principal, postholder and staff and for ways of involving staff groups and parents.
Relevanceย to curriculum aims:
This publication is totally suitable for the Irish curriculum and Irish schools as the PSHE curriculum( though better funded and developed in the UK) is the equivalent of the SPHE curriculum over here.
Teacherย usability: It is very easy to read and use and I read through this in one setting. It opens up with a useful checklist on your own school and where it is at present. Very useful for staff meetings. It is enjoyable but I feel we are a long way off here in Ireland, Jenny recommends( quite rightly too!) circle time for staff members. How many principals or teachers would be comfortable with a round beginning ” When I leave school, I feel angry because…” I feel there would have to be immense training and input from our dear government for this to take off! But, hey, let’s imagine an ideal world here!
There is a really worthwhile section for staff members to look at and to evaluate their own needs on an emotional and social basis. Jenny uses the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs and applies this to children and to staff members. Makes sense and will give you a couple of thoughts later on after you put the book down.
The other sections in this book range from playground games, circle time games and there is even a section for the yard and “wet play”, giving great ideas here for the stressful part of the day!
Value for money: This book will last you forever and forever! A bible and a must have for any school that values emotional and social education for its staff, parents and most of all its children.
Examples from schools using Jennyโs approach bring the ideas to life and A4 photocopiable handouts help the ease of use. A full example of a self esteem and behaviour policy for your school is contained at the end of this book.
One of a kind publication award: Definitely wins the one of a kind publication. Purely because this is the “Happy School’s” bible for behaviour and self esteem. Even though this has been on the market for a while, it still remains forward thinking and highly idealistic.. It is great to have a system to aspire to!