School with an iPhone App

A few weeks ago, I reported that I had designed a smartphone app for my school.  The Carlow Educate Together app ran on Android phones.  I promised that I would try and piece together an iPhone app as they are very popular and today it appeared in the AppStore. The app has exactly the same functionality as the Android version.  One can:

  • Read the latest news from our school web site
  • Read the noticeboard in our foyer
  • See our school calendar
  • Send a note if your child is absent from school
  • Browse a sample of photos from our school

You can download the app for free from the AppStore directly from your phone or by clicking on this link.  Enjoy!

0 thoughts on “School with an iPhone App”

  1. Fair play Simon and all the staff of Carlow ETS. Great app, definitely the way forward, was there much work involved? would it be easy to do for another school?

  2. Thanks a million.  While it isn’t too difficult to make an app like the one I’ve done, there are elements that are tricky.  I hope to be giving a small workshop at the CESI conference so we’ll see how it goes.

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