Podcast Show Notes: 20th March – 2nd April

In this episode, I reflect on the implications of Josepha Madigan’s departure as the Minister for Special Education and whether the position will ever exist again. I also ponder on the INTO’s survey on physical aggression. Finally, we move to Estonia and explore why they are now kings and queens of Europe and why Ireland won’t be the best education system in Europe by 2026.

Links mentioned in the podcast:

  • https://simonmlewis.medium.com/after-madigan-rethinking-special-education-cut-red-tape-not-ribbons-fb0f2c502b69
  • https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/education/2024/03/26/roughly-half-of-primary-schoolteachers-target-of-physical-aggression-in-classroom-surveys-finds/
  • https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2024/mar/27/free-lunches-brain-breaks-and-happy-teachers-why-estonia-has-the-best-schools-in-europe
  • https://www.irishtimes.com/ireland/education/2024/03/30/students-are-stressed-teachers-have-little-choice-creativity-suffers-why-the-irish-classroom-needs-to-change-right-now/

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