Outsourcing your IT

Outsourcing is a term that one would usually associate with big companies or government agencies.  However, most people in their everyday life use some form of outsourcing.  Essentially, outsourcing is an arrangement where a company or individual subcontracts services to another person or company.  Every company, no matter how big or small, will outsource to some extent and it is a normal part of everyday business.  People outsource for many reasons – usually to save money and that’s exactly why schools should probably consider it.

I think it’s fair to say that the majority of teachers are not experts in IT.  Therefore, when a school needs a new printer or an Interactive Whiteboard, they are generally at the mercy of the salesperson and may not get a great deal.  In fact, if you took a sample of 10 schools who all bought the same IWB in the last month or two, I would be surprised if any of them paid the same price (unless it was the top price).  By outsourcing, a school can hire another company to purchase all their IT equipment and be assured that they’re getting the best price.

Going back to our example of the Interactive Whiteboard; if I was to buy an IWB for my school, I would probably pay about €3,000.  However, if I outsourced, this company would be buying boards in bulk and therefore would get the same board cheaper.  It also frees up a teacher to do some other important curriculum based work – rather than spending their time tendering for quotes on hardware.

Many schools in the UK already outsource their IT to various companies.  However, it is not common practice in Ireland.  One company that are attmpting to sell the idea of outsourcing is Comdex Technology who are based in Co. Meath.  According to Joe Halpin, its managing director, by outsourcing with some kind of Schools Group Purchasing Scheme, schools could save considerable money.  Comdex Technology has linked up with several companies selling all sorts of technology including printers, IWBs, and photocopiers.

Anseo.net was mostly interested in this scheme because it is a not-for-profit one.  Comdex Technogy earn nothing from each purchase.  They seem to make their money from an annual fixed fee.

There will be a meeting in Navan Education Centre on Wednesday 30th September at 4.30pm to outline proposals for a group purchasing scheme and to launch the scheme on the day.  Halpin has offered to answer any queries in the meantime.  He can be contatced at 046 -9077086 or by email [email protected].

However Halpin warns that the scheme cannot proceed unless there is sufficient schools involved.  If enough schools were involved in a scheme like this, the costs for our IT would go significantly down.  This scheme also blows the whole tendering scheme outlined in the NCTE guidelines for purchasing out of the water.  There is no need for this time-consuming affair.  However, whether Irish schools are ready to embrace a new form of purchasing, remains to be seen.

0 thoughts on “Outsourcing your IT”

  1. The scheme was launched today and although only 6 schools could actually make the event (we rceived apologies from another 5 schools) I believe the concept was very well received and certainly from the conversation around the room after the event I believe every school represented there today would make very considerable savings. I think every person there agreed that they knew other schools that would also benefit from the scheme. I will probably hold the next event in Dublin. Again I reiterate this is YOUR Group Purchasing Scheme so it is important your school supports it. I want to ask the attendees today if they are happy to be contacted for information – Joe Halpin Comdex Technology.

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