One week left to TouchIT

There’s only one week left before the Irish launch of the new TouchIT Interactive Whiteboard and frankly I’m very excited.  This could be the best IWB yet!  So far, there has only been one IWB that lets you interact with your finger and it costs over €5,000.  This one costs half that and appears to be just as good or even better.

Since writing the last time, I’ve heard a little bit more about these boards and how they work.  The board itself is enammel-based which means it is very sturdy.  I believe it is also magnetic.  The other great thing is you can use iot as a normal whiteboard when you’re not using it as an IWB – something Smart don’t do.

The board, I believe, is surrounded by infrared beams and when you put your finger on the board to “write”, it breaks the beam and thus calculates the co-ordinates of the break et voila.  Clever?

I also found out that it comes with Easiteach software, which I think is excellent…almost as good as Smart and Promethean’s offerings – certainly as good as them for basic operations that a primary teacher would need.

However, it’s greatest triumph is its low price.  I cannot wait til next Thursday to have a go.  My chequebook is awaiting!

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