National Tree Day – October 9th

Thursday, October 9th 2008 is National Tree Day.  This year is the Year of the Alder Tree.  The Tree Council of Ireland has made lots of worksheets for all primary classes.  According to their web site, 

“On Thursday 9th of October, 2008 all primary school children in Ireland will leave  their school bags at home and spend the day learning about trees in a fun and relaxed environment.”

That’s the first I heard of that!  I must change all my lesson plans accordingly 🙂 Anyway, if you have any interest in leaving the schoolbags at home and spending the day learning about trees with worksheets made from trees (though probably not Alder trees), here are some web links to get you going:


0 thoughts on “National Tree Day – October 9th”

  1. Thanks, this is a great idea for us busy teachers. It is hard to keep up with all these National days! So thanks, Anseo!

  2. My daughter’s homework was to go outside and hug a tree! Her teachers are so great! 🙂
    Mind you, she also had other homework, but no worries, the first thing we did was go and hug a tree. I’m sure the neighbours thought we were very odd!

  3. National Tree Day is an excellent way to get school kids to learn and appreciate the importance of a healthy environment — getting them physically involved. Nature Learn is also a great opportunitiy for teachers and student alike to become more aware of the environment around them using interactive presentations, hands-on activities and field study. Take a gander at our blogsite about our innovative approach to nature education.

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