IPPN Expo Preview

Every year, we preview the Irish Primary Principals’ Network (IPPN) conference and its Teacher Expo. This year, it is open to teachers on Thursday evening if their school has a delegate at the conference. As well as this, the IPPN have embraced Twitter fully and there is a hashtag #IPPN15 that can be followed. There are over 125 exhibits at the conference and we’ll be highlighting some of the more interesting ones.

Interleaf Technology and Lámh Chúnta (C3)

This stand will be showcasing the Muzzy online language learning programme with a Gaeilge translation. I haven’t heard of the programme before so it will be interesting to see what it has to offer. Irish educational software is difficult to come by and much needed.

GL Assessment (D5)

A company dedicated to assessment. I must admit, this gives me the shudders a little bit. While assessing students is part of the job, I hope we don’t become over-obsessed with it like the UK where it’s rare to see teaching and learning but assessing is rampant. In any case, it’s nice to see that there’s one company available to find assessments. Hopefully, it can become a one stop shop for all primary assessments at some point.

Cinemobile (D10)

A mobile cinema that can visit schools. I don’t think there’s much more to add to that! A very cool idea.

Viglen (E4)

A technology company that I thought was out of business years ago. I’ll have a visit and see if they have anything interesting to offer.

Eversheds (H3)

From its name, you’d think it was a company selling sheds to schools. However, it’s a company that offers legal advice to schools. Odd name but it got my attention.

iConnect (I2 and I3)

Taking up two stands, this company say they are going to make the impossible, possible. How? With iPads. I hope they have some other ideas too as tablet technology is not really going to do that.

Schofield and Sims (I5)

Ireland has a small population but a huge number of school textbook publishers. This is another company doing this in the UK and beyond. Maybe they have seen a gap in this very saturated market?

Unique Publishing (J12)

This company make Apps. I can’t tell from the blurb if they are for iOs or Android or other operating systems. School apps have had very limited success in Ireland over the last few years – (we gave up on ours 3 years ago) – but maybe this year will be different. Certainly worth a look.

Pat McDonnell Paints (K5)

They’re going to be showing off a paint that turns any surface into a whiteboard. This product has been around for a few years at about €80 a pot so it will be interesting to see if this one is more reasonable.

3P Learning (L2)

3P Learning brought Mathletics to Ireland. I wonder if their sales plummeted after Mathletes came along? I’m going to check them out again as they always have excellent products. Hopefully, they’ll have something catered to the Irish market specifically.

Skoda Ireland (no label)

Huh? Are they teaching primary kids to drive these days? Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

Polymath (N7)

The blurb is one line long and it says it’s the clever maths instrument that does the lot. I’m sold.

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