IPPN Conference Principalmeet

Kathleen Byrne is organising the first national Principalmeet at the IPPN conference this year. It’s happening this Friday at 1pm and it’s going to be one of the hidden highlights of the conference. Anyone who attends this meet will come away with a vast array of ideas from their colleagues. In this guest post, Kathleen introduces what a Principalmeet is,

Our first Principalmeet is an opportunity for inspirational educators to meet and share good practice, practical ideas and personal insights into primary education & leadership! Our Principalmeet follows our conference theme ‘Daring to Lead’ & I invite you to share your inspirational strategies that you use to lead teaching & learning in your own school.

A Principalmeet is based on the philosophy of a Teachmeet which is an organised (but informal) meeting where participants are offered a variety of nano (2 minute) or macro (5 minute) presentations on any aspect of education in this case, primary education & leadership. Participants can be actively involved as presenters, or can simply relax and listen to all that will be on offer. Attending this meet will also illustrate how you yourself can host a Teachmeet in your own school or your own locality.

So can you share some tantalising tips, sizzling strategies or innovative ideas with us? Or are you looking to be enthused, excited & energised by similar minded educators?

If so, come join us on Friday 30th at 1pm in the Carraig Suite in the Convention Centre! Feel free to contact me at principal@glencullenschool for further information or if you would like to present for 2-5mins!

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