Guest Article: Adrian Kwizera (REAAD)

REAAD Limited, which stands for Rural Education for the Advancement of African Development, is a registered Irish Charity (CHY 19542) supported by the Irish Government and by charitable donations. Our goal is to invest in Africa’s future as we recognize the value Education adds to the continent’s development process.  REAAD is a volunteer organization dedicated to using book distribution as a means in the delivery and advancement of Education within disadvantaged schools and communities in Africa.  REAAD operates as a social enterprise, we take in used books and other scholastic materials from Irish schools and the general public, and ship them to disadvantaged communities within Africa.
Our target countries include Rwanda, The Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, Ethiopia and Somalia, and we hope our first shipment of books to take place this year in August.  For more information on REAAD, visit their web site,

Adrian Kwizera is the Founder and CEO of REAAD Limited. He also holds the position of Chairman, Board of Directors. Adrian presently holds a Trinity College Dublin Higher Diploma in Information Systems. He is currently studying towards a Computer Science Degree, also at Trinity College
Adrian has previously worked on various Computer Science internships, including a next generation localization internship, based at Trinity College Dublin’s Dept of Computer Science & Stats
He has also worked for various charitable organisations within Ireland, and is also currently a member of the Institute of Bankers in Ireland, with expertise in international financial service operations – risks & regulations, products & services

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