Fizzbooks caused a bit of a storm in the world of education last year with a number of schools kitting their entire schools out with them. We in were very impressed with them, especially the fast versions (2GB RAM) rather than the entry level ones which are very slow. Liosdoire have just announced that they are stocking Intel Classmates. These are essentially Fizzbooks in greyer clothing! Prices seem to be starting around the €390 mark, which is cheaper than the Fizzbook but you’ll need to make sure you are getting one with enough RAM (memory) – 2GB would be the bare minimum in my opinion. #27 Newsletter 📌 A Free AI Course For You
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0 thoughts on “Fizzbook or Intel Classmate?”
I had a Fizzbook on trial in my class for a while last year and was not impressed at all as I had the slower version. The painfully slower version! I also found the “tablet” function to be practically useless as Windows 7 doesn’t really work well as a tablet OS. The price of the Fizzbook would also be an issue for me. I think you can get a lot more for your money by looking at netbooks or proper tablets.
Yep, I have to agree with you there. The price is very high.
It has now been five years since Intel showcased the first classmate PC reference design in 2006.There are now over five million units of the Intel-powered classmate PC in more than 70 countries.
We have Ram in staock and can upgrade any Classmate to 2GB,
Stephen Linnane
Good to know. Can you upgrade RAM even higher? 4GB?
I had a Fizzbook on trial in my class for a while last year and was not impressed at all as I had the slower version. The painfully slower version! I also found the “tablet” function to be practically useless as Windows 7 doesn’t really work well as a tablet OS. The price of the Fizzbook would also be an issue for me. I think you can get a lot more for your money by looking at netbooks or proper tablets.
We have Ram in staock and can upgrade any Classmate to 2GB,
Stephen Linnane
I think the tablet function is beneficial when using the device as an eBook reader.