5 Headlines about the ESRI report on 9 year olds in primary schools

The ESRI have just released a study about 9 year olds in Irish primary schools.  I thought it might be interesting to see how the main media publications covered the story.

  • RTE – A new study has found significant variations in how children spend their school day, according to the kind of school they attend. The Economic and Social Research Institute report finds that girls in single-sex primary schools spend more time on Religious Education.
  • Irish Times – Traditional teaching methods still dominate in Irish primary schools with relatively little group work or active learning, according to a new report from the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI)
  • Irish Examiner – Girls spend more time in school learning religion while boys focus more on history, geography and physical education, a new study has found.
  • Belfast Telegraph – Girls spend more time in school learning religion while boys focus more on history, geography and physical education, a new study has found. The report on nine-year-olds shows dramatic differences in the way children are taught depending on their gender, social background and what type of school they attend.
  • The Journal– GIRLS-ONLY primary schools spend more time teaching religion than male-only counterparts, a new study of the country’s primary schools has found.

As of today, the Irish Independent has not covered the story.  It is interesting that almost all media focused on the difference between boys’ and girls’ schools.  The report generally gives positive feedback about primary education in Ireland but there is little mention of this.  Below is a Wordle of the report showing the words most used in the article.

0 thoughts on “5 Headlines about the ESRI report on 9 year olds in primary schools”

  1. Girls and Boys education were considered to be very different long time ago. But in the current era that we have, both are studying the same subject and can do the same job.

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