CESI Meet – Tipperary

From CESI:

Any of you with an interest in ICT in Education should come long and meet like minded folk at the next CESI Meet.  It is being held at the Anner Hotel in Thurles, the evening before the ICT Conference in Tipperary IT.

CESI Meets are based on the TeachMeet formula – learn and socialise together, share as best you can. The flavour if this year’s conference in Tipp sums up the CESI Meet perfectly “The Wisdom of the Crowd”.

So if you have some words of wisdom, or wish to hear what ideas your colleagues have to offer, why not come along and share?

The session runs from 7pm-9pm, and then adjourns to the bar for further discussion!

Cost, to cover venue and food, is €10.

Application form at http://www.tippinst.ie/schools/

Hope to see you there…
When: Fri, 14 May, 7pm – 9pm
Where: Anner Hotel, Thurles

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