CESI Conference timetable

Registration Desk Opens
Opening Address
09.10 – 10.00
Exhibits and Coffee
10.45 – 11.15 The Potential Use of Social Software in Rural Irish Schools

Jim O’Sullivan & Sally Reynolds

Online Encyclopaedias through Scoilnet

Karin Whooley & Pat Coffey

Why Teach – iTeach

Dr. Daithí Ó Murchú

Pre-Service Student Teachers “Vision” of ICT in their future classrooms

Alison Egan

Asia-Europe Classroom Network

Adrienne Webb

Successfully Integrating a Virtual Learning Environment (V.L.E.) and Sourcing Quality Content – a case study

Terry Fannon

Google Wave for Education

John Jennings

11.30 – 12.00 National Rollout of ScratchConor Keyes, Jessie Byrne & Clare McInerney Extending teaching and learning beyond the walls of our schoolPatricia Ward, John Englishby & Pippa Brady Interactive game on interculturalism Dr. Miriam Judge & Dr Debbie Ging Handwriting analysis for Dyslexia Detection using SmartPens / Using Intelligent Augmented Reality Software in the ClassroomScott O’Malley, Brett Lawless & Stephen Howell Practical Virtual Worlds in Education – Case Studies from Irish SchoolsJames Corbett & Keith Kennedy GeogebraAnnie Patton Workshop session for teachers relatively new to ICT in Education looking for ideas on where to startClifford Brown
12.10 – 12.40 ThinkquestOrlaith Lawton ICT and Language TeachingBrendan Duignan “A lot learned, a lot more to learn…” The growing prospect of primary and post-primary school teachers using the Kurzweil 3000 Text to Speech tool in the 21st centuryJohn Phayer Developing Educational Games for FreeStephen Howell
Lunch Workshops above continue to 1pm
14.00 – 14.30 Digital Literacy in the 21st Century: Implications for Teaching & LearningAudrey Byrne Creating Animated Movies using Xtranormal and STATEEnda Donlon Implementing Technical Support in a SchoolTom Lonergan Teaching using a Tablet PCPadraig O’Dubhaigh New Developments in Teacher CPD: Online courses for teachers, UNESCO ICT Competency Framework and EPICTJohn Hurley & Michael Hallissy CrazyTalkIan Roller 21st Century Classroom: Connecting teachers and children through ‘play’ technology – The Nintendo DS and WiiAnne McMorrough & Ban Ryan
14.40 – 15.10 Use of Microsoft Office tools to produce individualized student assignments, an anti-plagiarism initiative leads to a serendipitous change in classroom culture!Laurence Cuffe Making it easier for teachers through the use of technologyMark Glynn Alternative Music Technology Options for Post-Primary Music ExamsJohn Crowe Using a blog in a primary classroom: see how both pupils and teachers can use a classroom blog to enhance teaching and learningKieran Kelly
15.20 – 15.50
15.55 – 16.25

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