CEC Decides on Action Plan Against Cuts

The following is taken directly from the INTO web site…
The Central Executive Committee of the INTO met today and decided on a further range of actions in the campaign against the attack on primary education in Budget 2009. The CEC decided on the following:

  • INTO members, parents and members of boards of management have already begun lobbying local representatives about the savage cuts which will affect pupils in schools throughout the country. The CEC decided that this lobbying should be intensified in the coming days to bring home to our elected councillors, TDs and Senators the devastating effects of the proposed cuts on school communities.
  • On Wednesday next, 29th October, the Labour Party has tabled a motion on class size in the Dรกil which is scheduled to be debated between 7.00-8.30pm. All INTO members and members of school communities who can participate are invited to take part in a protest outside the Dรกil beginning at 6.30pm on that evening.
  • CEC representatives decided that a nationwide series of meetings of INTO staff representatives and principal teachers will take place in districts throughout the country between Monday November 3rd and Thursday November 6th.
  • A Branch and District Officers’ Consultative Conference will be held in Galway on Saturday 8th November to consider further development of the campaign strategy.
  • Regional rallies against the cuts will be organised as follows:
    • Saturday 8th November: Galway
    • Saturday 15th November: Tullamore
    • Saturday 22nd November: Cork
    • Saturday 29th November: Donegal
    • Saturday 6th December: Dublin

Details of these rallies will be posted here when finalised.
INTO representatives have already been in contact with a number of education partners including management bodies. INTO representatives will be meeting with the Irish Primary Principals’ Network tomorrow morning and also with representatives of the student unions in the Colleges of Education. The INTO continues to highlight the impact of the cuts on young children at every opportunity and full coverage will be posted on this page on an ongoing basis.

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