Twitter organising #EducationDay

I received an email today from someone called Shona who works for Twitter. The press release is as follows: Education is a hot topic for young people on Twitter. Students and school are using Twitter to show what they have been learning and use the platform as their voice. This offers a huge opportunity for … Read more

Blog Hop

Hello there and welcome to the Primary Teaching Bloggers Ireland first ever blog hop! You may have noticed an influx of Irish primary school teachers filling up your Facebook news feeds of late. Well, we’ve decided to get together and help one another to share our ideas and resources and to help you easily find … Read more

The Summer Writing Institute for Teachers of Writing:University of Maynooth

I have been accepted for the Summer Writing Institute for Teachers of Writing this July 2015 in Maynooth University and I am super excited! The National University of Ireland, Maynooth, in consultation with a range of teaching and learning networks, including Maynooth University Early Childhood, the Further Education Support Service, the Reading Association of Ireland and the … Read more