Goodbye Leabhar Rolla!

The Department of Education has issued a circular, 33/2015, which has effectively given schools the go ahead to get rid of the traditional roll book. The circular allows schools from 2015/16 to utilise electronic records of attendance instead of filling in the paper-based rollbook. not only welcomes this news but celebrates it. We’re not going … Read more

POD: Return to 1984

This week principals received an email from the people in POD to let us know that due to feedback, they were making a number of changes. I’m not one to waste an opportunity and I think before I get into the changes, that I should remind people that a number of schools took part in a … Read more

Paying us to POD

According to the INTO website and Voice for Teachers Facebook page, the DES announced today that in response to the INTO’s demand for additional resources to be provided to support the implementation of POD a once off per capita payment of €1.50 per pupil will be paid to all schools before Christmas. There will be … Read more

The resurrection of POD

I agreed to pilot the POD service that the Department of Education are launching into schools this year and during the summer I spent some time trying to upload my school’s data to the service. There were a few ways to do this. The first way, and possibly the most straightforward way, was to type in … Read more

The resurrection of POD

I agreed to pilot the POD service that the Department of Education are launching into schools this year and during the summer I spent some time trying to upload my school’s data to the service. There were a few ways to do this. The first way, and possibly the most straightforward way, was to type in … Read more