Cake Bake Sale

Hello all and let’s get ready for another jam packed week of fun and frolics in my classroom!
After I qualified and returned from Wales, I accepted a position in a large, large school in Athy. This school had over 600 students and with this came huge expenses. The parents’ committee, the Principal and the staff were constantly needing to bring money in. The school building was costly to run. One of the events that I remembered fondly was the Annual 5th Class Cake Bake Sale. Their classroom and hall were covered with wall to wall cakes..I was like Charlie in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory! It not only raised needed funds for the school but it also taught non-curriuculm lessons such as team work and spirit, organisational skills and managerial skills. It ticked all the boxes of the following curriculum subjects- Maths, English, Science, SPHE and Visual Arts. Integration and Linkage at its best! (with a yummy chocolate fudge filling!)
When I was given the chance to take on an older class in my present school, I leapt at the chance! My mind went straight back to the Cake Sale in Athy. Why not with my class? The Principal agreed and we decided it would go to the school’s fundraising kitty.
It took a month of planning, talking, drawing and laughter. The positives were

  • The whole of the SPHE curriculum was covered in this event- self confidence, self responsibility, team work and feeling part of the school team.
  • Maths and Language skills were honed in on- we had 2 cashiers, Pricing staff, the PR team, security, helpers, cake sellers- The lucky 5th Class students received 20% off any purchased item! This linked in excellently with the learning of fractions that week!
  • The Parents all commented how much they had enjoyed baking with their children the night before.
  • The children designed their own functional posters for Visual Art.
  • The most important for me was the fact that every child performed and took part at his/her level- I differentiated each Job description according to the needs and the abilities of the child. I am the Differentiation Queen!
  • Teachers, staff and infant children got to be part of an event that demonstrated sharing, caring and generally being sensible citizens of society.
  • There was a tangible buzz in our classroom before and after and I hope it will help set my students up for an excellent year in the school.
  • Oh, lastly we made a couple of hundred euro for the school!

So, get your creative hats on! Speak to your Principal or your Parents. What can you do in your classroom that will deliver the curriculum in a fun and differentiated way but also bring some funding in?
Until next week

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