How do I set up a simple school blog?

Setting up a school blog, thankfully, isn’t such a difficult thing to do anymore. However, the real question is whether you really want to do so! Like everything else technology-related, things move quickly. The trouble with school blogs is that they can clutter up a school website with old irrelevant information very quickly. The trick about blogging these days is that the posts need to be relevant in the long term.

For example, there’s no point in writing a blog post about an upcoming Cake Sale because within a year, that Cake Sale will have been long forgotten. A better blog post might be a gallery of photos about the particular Cake Sale as this has longevity.

So what is recommended for posts that are only relevant for a short time? The quick answer is Social Media. Facebook is still just about surviving. As of 2019, Instagram is where it’s at, in the main. However, ironically, by the time someone in the future reads this post, this will be outdated information!

OK, so you still want to blog? My advice would be to use WordPress because it can tie in very nicely to create a lovely looking full website. Other options include Wix and Weebly, which also have good blogging options. The latter two are easy to set up but can be restrictive. WordPress comes in 2 flavours – self hosted and hosted. The hosted version is quite limited so I’d recommend hosting it yourself. This will come at a small cost and you’ll probably need a little bit of help in setting it up. However, once it’s done, it’s done.

Last Update: May 7, 2019  

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