Bad news for Irish schools as well as UK schools with the news that BECTA is being closed down due to budgetary cuts. This article from Meris Stansbury
outlines the international impact this decision will have for education. I hope this decision does not give our government any ideas. The NCTE are doing a pretty good job these days.
Podcast Show Notes: Access Undone Ep 1
If you were to walk into any primary school and compared it to the classroom you might have sat in only a generation ago, apart
0 thoughts on “BECTA closing down”
It was clear that the new Government was going to take a sharp knife to a lot of the quangos and related activity. A reduction in Becta wouldn’t have been a surprise, closure was a staggering announcement.
The problem in the UK is that right now a lot of ‘below the headlines’ cuts are coming through which are likely to have similar, if not greater, consequences.