So Batt O’Keefe has finally cracked…albeit useless for primary schools. For some reason, he has decided to allow substitute cover for second level school but not for primary schools… yet. According to RTE, Batt O’Keefe is willing to listen to sensible suggestions from primary level regarding sub cover. So how about acknowledging publicly that he made a cock-up when describing our Monday and Friday sick days and giving us sub cover when we are sick? I reckon there’ll be some announcement on Friday, just before our big march, rowing back on one or two issues. Is it true in Cork that there’s an expression, “cute hoor”? I wonder what sort of “hoor” Batt is.
Podcast Show Notes: Access Undone Ep 1
If you were to walk into any primary school and compared it to the classroom you might have sat in only a generation ago, apart
0 thoughts on “Batt Rows Back”
So he didn’t announce anything. Not so cute after all! Delighted to have been one of the 70,000 (why do the media insist on reducing reported numbers?) out there! Photos will be up shortly.
So a small U-turn. Well it gets me out of trouble for this year. God help me when we get our next teacher next year.