The Press Release people in the Department of Education were busy writing to every local paper in the country as each one congratulated their local TD on securing funding for ICT for their school. They all followed the same format unless the TD was asked for a quote and it was funny to see how they hadn’t a clue how it worked with some of them urging schools to apply for it.
More gifts to the Vatican were announced as €800m is being used to fund 90 school building projects. I’ll find out how much of that is being handed over to the State in Rome.
There are calls for schools to teach students in secondary school about the Mother and Baby Homes. It might raise questions about what parts of history we don’t teach in Ireland.
Across the Irish Sea, the UK education systems seems to be falling apart as teachers across the country are finding schools are becoming so violent that they are becoming unsafe.
The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.Read the full newsletter here Back to school brought another perennial story – large
The Newsletter features my thoughts on the Irish Primary Education System.Read the full newsletter here It wouldn’t be the summer holidays in Ireland if