Scratch Maths: Pentominoes

Pentominoes are a fantastic resource in a maths classroom and can be used for all sorts of ways. It fits brilliantly into the strand unit of area and can be enjoyed by almost all age groups. In order to use these pentominoes, all you need to do is drag them around the screen to make squares and rectangles. To rotate the shapes, simply click on them. Some shapes have 4 looks, others have 8 and the poor + shape only has the one look! It might be a nice idea to investigate the number of “looks” each pentomino has.



From a programming point of view, this couldn’t be easier. Create 12 different sprites with as many costumes as needs be. Set each shape to change its costume upon a click. In order to make the opening explanation appear and disappear, I sent a broadcast message to the text, which said “show”, “wait 5 seconds”, “hide.”

Last Update: August 8, 2017  

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