Fancy a free Interactive Device? have teamed up with IMEX to offer teachers the opportunity to get a free MOBI Interactive Pad.  Mobi View does everything a fixed interactive whiteboard does at a fraction of the cost. It is also handheld so it can be passed around the classroom. It even works with any brand of system so no matter what set up you have, it will work. The main difference between other slates and Mobi View is it is the first of its kind to offer a large LCD touch screen that provides the ability to control lessons from anywhere in the classroom. You can manage the class and lessons with the Mobi View touch screen, so there’s no need to go back to your computer or board during a lesson.

In order to get one of these devices, all you need to do is be one of the first 5 teachers to register for the product by filling in the form below.  You will need to agree to do a case study of your use of it in your class and to make two lesson plans using Workspace and share these with us and IMEX. Once you do that, it’s all yours!
This offer has now closed.

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