From the INTO Web Site:
The INTO, CPSMA, Church of Ireland Board of Education and the Department of Education and Skills have reached agreement in relation to a standard application form for primary teaching posts. Schools may use this form as an alternative to seeking a curriculum vitae and the form is available to download from the INTO and CPSMA websites and can also be uploaded to web-based advertisement for posts.
Having downloaded and read the form, it seems like it isn’t too big a step to making this an online form. In fact, I wrote about this very issue in August last year so it’s good to see that something happened soon after I contacted both the INTO and CPSMA. Unfortunately, there is no mention of this form being allowed to be used as an online application. I have contacted the INTO today to see if this is possible and if not, why not? Judging from the form, which states that three copies of the form have to be sent to schools, (this clearly is to save schools from photocopying costs), it appears that snail mail is the only option being accounted for.
Aside from the technology aspect of the form, I’m not too sure about one of the questions. It’s the one where the applicant has to fill in any religious certification they have completed. With over 95% of schools under the patronage of a denominational church, it’s now going to be next to impossible for some people to get jobs. At this point, I’m not sure if all patron bodies have agreed to this form but I would assume they would have issues with this question due to equality laws, etc.
Anyway, I believe this is a step in the right direction. It makes it a natural step for schools to offer an online application system. Here’s hoping anyway.