Why are you protesting?

I thought I’d ask myself that question.  I’ve been listening to all the experts on the radio over the last week or so and have attended the INTO meetings but I’m not really sure that they are focussing on the right thing.  They all seem to be harping on about class sizes.  Now before I continue, I think that this is a key issue and I agree that class size is an important issue.

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What happened in the budget?

According to the INTO’s web site, the government have made the following cuts.  The INTO have christened it: “The dirty dozen.”  Fianna Gael decided that there were 32 cuts to education in the budget.  Next Wednesday, during mid-term break, a big rally protest will be held outside the Dáil.  I shall be there, hopefully with a banner in hand!  Read on to see “The Dirty Dozen Education Cuts”

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